This is just a small update and my first post! I've been rather slow getting this podcast up and running.

  1. This website is up and running. It perhaps could be better in terms of the visual look of this website. However I'll probably play around the visuals over the course of the next month or so. But I figure it's better to have something okay looking than nothing at all.
  2. I set up social media accounts. I actually have set up a Twitter/X account and an Instagram account. You should see the links to them in the menu bar. Please follow and share! Spread the word!
  3. I set up a newsletter. I've been told by various more successful creators about how important it is to have a newsletter. It's a good way to let you guys know up front what's happening on this site and on the podcast. Also it serves as a backup in the event my SM accounts for this podcasts went down or disappeared, etc. It's currently being done via Convertkit.
  4. I've been writing scripts for the episodes. It's mostly to make sure I don't ramble too much. Also it makes it a hell of a lot easier to edit. The script also works as a transcript and a good starting point on blog posts and show notes.

Please stay tuned. The podcast will be released starting in April. So stay tuned!